Marlin Model 60 Failure to Feed

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  • Rifle Discussion
  • #1
Hi everyone!

So my dad gave me this rifle...and it shoots...IF you place a round in one at a time. For some reason it will not feed from the tube magazine. Maybe im doing something wrong? Its a great shooter, just wish it would feed the rounds in the mag. Any help? Suggestions? Maybe a DPA (dumb people's attack)? Thanks everyone! :)

  • #2
Have you checked the OAL (Over All Length) of your rounds, Sounds like they are too long unless there's a mechanical problem with the rifle.

80 MILLION gun owners didn't shoot anyone today, a few criminals did!


The "Feedback Score" is low by 4, not everyone posts it I guess.

NRA Benefactor/Recruiter
Washington Arms Collector member
South West Washington Arms Collector member

  • #3
Hi Morro: I have an older Marlin 60 (early 70s) that was my grandfather's. A few years ago it was failing to chamber from the tube mag. It turned out to have a broken plastic piece (buffer?) at the rear part of the action. I replaced it with a new one from Numrich's and it is good to go.

Note: You should only disassemble the Marlin 60 action if you have good eyes, small needle nose pliers, and are fairly mechanically inclined. Good luck!

  • #4
Another thing to look at is to clean the mag tube, feed throat, and that entire area well. Next time you are at the range, also try to hand cycle the rounds slowly to see at what point it is jamming -- will help in diagnosing the issue.
  • #5
Does the bolt cycle? Is the old shell extracted/ejected cleanly? Need more info in order to help.
  • #6
Clean the living Haedes out of it. (Remove the action from the wood, flood it with Brake Cleaner (no contact with plastic!) and vigorous toothbrush application. Make sure the spring in the mag tube is strong enough to deliver the cartridge properly to the ramp-up to chamber. If all this fails, T-Steve is probably on to something. These are pretty durable little guns. Bet its something simple.
  • Thread Starter
  • #7
Thank you everyone for your input! Well, i fixed it! It was a loooong shelled 22 round that had gotten stuck at in the receiver 0.o. I CAREFULLY took it out (PITB) and now works fine. Thank you everyone!
  • #8
Still couldn't hurt to clean the Haedes out of it. Love dem Marlins! As an old 10-22 aficionado, I found that the Marlin 60's that fell into my hands over the years always outshot a box-stock 10-22: and with definition. A lot of gun for the money, and all the .22 anybody needs: better than most.
  • #9
The tube mag fell apart on mine and it wouldn't feed, just a thought.......
  • #10
wanna sell yours, Brandon?
Ah knows ah kin mek it werk.
  • #11
HAHA ! nope, It's a sweet lil .22 Stainless/Wood, I'll get another mag. This one will be handed down to my son and hopefully his son too....
  • #12
Thank you everyone for your input! Well, i fixed it! It was a loooong shelled 22 round that had gotten stuck at in the receiver 0.o. I CAREFULLY took it out (PITB) and now works fine. Thank you everyone!

Glad my suggestion worked and it wasn't any more serious!!

80 MILLION gun owners didn't shoot anyone today, a few criminals did!!


The "Feedback Score" is low by 4, not everyone posts it I guess.

NRA Benefactor/Recruiter
Washington Arms Collector member
South West Washington Arms Collector member

  • #13
When mine (bought new in 1976) started doing that, it turned out that it was very, very dirty. Twenty-twos are very dirty and crud tends to build up in the Mod. 60s, where you can't get to with normal cleaning. Remove the bolt and give it a good bath, but be very careful of the small parts under spring tension. My gun smith taught me this last week when I finally took it to him after years of the rifle having been relegated to being a "safe queen." I just googled it and found this on the web;
You can find the manual here: <broken link removed>

For cleaning the action, there are pretty detailed instructions about half-way through.

I have had some difficulty in thoroughly cleaning the action, and recently purchased some Birchwood-Casey Gun Scrubber to see if the pressurized spray makes that a little easier. Hopefully I'll get a chance to put some rounds through and test my theory soon.

Special Note: Be very careful with the long recoil spring. It is easy to bend or kink it when re-installing it. Enjoy!

Read more: - How do you clean a Model 60 SB Marlin 22 LR

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