What Does a Three-month-old Baby Look Like With Down Syndrome

Downwardly syndrome is a genetic condition. A person who has Down's syndrome is born with an extra copy of the 21st chromosome. It'due south detected at birth. It also can exist detected during pregnancy with genetic testing. Down syndrome causes some physical and intellectual disabilities. Most of the fourth dimension, information technology'due south at a moderate level. If yous accept a infant with Down syndrome, you'll need to care for, talk to, play with, and love him or her like any other baby.

Path to improved development

In many important ways, children who have Downwards syndrome are very much similar other children. They accept the same moods and emotions, they like to learn new things, play, and enjoy life. You tin aid your kid develop by providing every bit many chances as possible for him or her to exercise these things. Read to your kid and play with him or her, simply every bit you would any other child. Help your child to have positive experiences with new people and places.

Every baby born with Downward syndrome is different. As your new baby grows, you lot'll need to pay special attention to his or her physical and intellectual development. Your baby also may have some wellness problems that crave extra care. Not all babies born with Down syndrome have health problems. Non all babies will take the same wellness problems.

Physical health: Babies who are born with Downward syndrome are more than likely to have:

  • Feeding issues.Learning to breastfeed or suck a bottle may have your baby longer to learn. Breastfeeding is skillful for all babies, including babies who have Down syndrome. Your md, a nurse, a feeding therapist, or another mom who has a infant with Down syndrome can provide tips and special grooming.
  • Center defects.Some heart problems volition require surgery inside the first year. Other problems will correct themselves over fourth dimension. If your baby has a centre trouble, your dr. will refer you to a cardiologist. He or she will monitor your baby'south heart health until the trouble is corrected.
  • Hearing issues.Some babies volition have partial hearing loss. Babies who take Down syndrome have smaller Eustachian tubes (part of your inner ear). This causes fluid buildup. That can exist relieved with tubes. Your dr. will surgically insert the tubes to relieve the fluid. Some babies have permanent nerve harm. This can cause permanent hearing loss. Hearing aids ofttimes help your child hear. Without treatment, the hearing loss can affect your baby's speech communication evolution.
  • Vision bug.This might include cataracts or other center issues requiring glasses.

Less likely health issues include:

  • Intestinal blockage at birth requiring surgery.
  • Hip dislocation.
  • Thyroid disease.
  • This is when cherry-red blood cells can't comport enough oxygen to the torso.
  • Fe deficiency. This is anemia where the blood-red blood cells don't take enough iron.
  • Leukemia in infancy or early babyhood.

Developmental milestones

Your baby volition reach all the same infant and toddler milestones. However, information technology will accept him or her a little longer. Early intervention bookish support as well as physical and occupational therapy tin help children who accept Down syndrome develop. This covers the following topics:

  • Motor skills (crawling, walking, feeding, dressing, handwriting).
  • Language skills (talking and vocabulary development).
  • Social skills (plough-taking, sharing, centre contact, manners).
  • Bookish skills (early reading, counting).

The earlier your baby starts receiving therapy, the amend he or she volition develop and succeed in life.

Many cities have support groups and customs resources to help parents who have children with Down's syndrome. These resources as well are helpful for siblings and other family unit members. Your doctor tin can tell you where to find these resources in your community.

Things to consider

In most cases, for every 100 couples who have another baby, ane will accept another baby with Downwardly syndrome. If yous're planning on having more children, talk with your doctor. He or she tin can help yous decide whether to seek genetic counseling earlier you become pregnant again.

When yous first acquire that your baby has Down syndrome, y'all may experience disappointment, grief, anger, frustration, fear, and feet almost the time to come. These feelings are all normal. Talking to other parents of children who accept Downwards syndrome can be helpful. They know how y'all're feeling. You also can talk to your family doctor or visit a back up group. These resource let you share your feelings and get additional information.

Questions to ask your doctor

  • Practice babies who have Down's syndrome have depression musculus tone?
  • Will my babe learn to read?
  • Will my babe grow up to exist independent?
  • How can I tell if I am lamentable about my baby'south diagnosis or if I'yard suffering from mail-partum depression?


Centers for Affliction Control and Prevention: Downwards Syndrome

National Institutes of Health, MedlinePlus: Downwards Syndrome


Source: https://familydoctor.org/caring-for-a-baby-who-has-down-syndrome/

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